Friday, May 23, 2008

Gas Prices vs Polar Bears

They say the polar bears are endangered, well I say that our very freedom is being endangered. The government has shut down drilling in our country to save the animals, the earth, and our planet but I say that it's a power grab. It's amazing how they say they want to help the poor but the poor will soon be unable to go to work because they will be unable to afford the gas they put in their cars to get them there. Once they can keep us in our place our freedoms will be gone, gone, gone!

We lived in Alaska and my husband worked at Purdhoe Bay, and the truth of the matter is that the caribou have multiplied by thousands so the big lie that oil production hurts the animal population is FALSE, a LIE and another grab for more money for the government and power for themselves. The natives in Alaska will not agree to give all the profits to the government so the government won't let them drill. The state of Alaska shares the oil profits with the citizens of Alaska, every year everyone there gets a check, the amount varies according to the states profits. The fight has always been that the US government wanted the profits but the natives have always denied them so they found a way to keep the people down. It's a stand off and the whole of the US suffers, all but the Congress and Senate and they don't pay for the gas that goes into their gas tanks, WE PAY FOR IT, you and I. It comes from the taxes they take from on us to help the needy. Really?

The people of this country have got to rise up and demand the government opens up our land for drilling, and not only that, but we have got to build more refineries to process our oil. It is the peoples oil, it's not a chip in a poker game, it's not a club to beat us over the head with, and we have to send a message to the selfish people that we elected to do the peoples bidding or they are out, they will be stripped of power, they will be banished. It's almost like we have a one party government with the republicans caving to the Democrats on almost every point, and folks, that's not far from a dictatorship. Once they can get us under control with gas being out of our reach for the sake of the planet, then the rationing will happen. Do you have any idea of all the ways that oil and gas touch your lives? It is major and that's why I say that our freedoms are so connected to it, with it either being accessible to us or denied to us.

Monday, May 19, 2008


I won't vote this year. There is no one out there worthy of my precious vote. I am a conservative and my party has decided to follow the liberals and the liberal ways. Our wonderful country that so many have died to preserve and protect is under a siege that scares me to the core. My party has started carrying the water for a religion called environmentalism. We are being kept from our own resources, namely oil, in a effort to keep our planet from destruction. How arrogant to think that we mortals could hurt this planet that has been here for so many many years. The earth is holding up very well and so are the animals and plants. If I told you that I had information that the world will end in 6 months, and I told you that the experts have told me this and if I say it enough and get enough press and I had actors and politicians and scientist are backing me up, then I bet enough people would believe me and start trying to figure a way to save themselves. Well guess what, its happened and you believed that it is better to starve poor people by making it more expensive and harder to get the very food that sustains them because the environmentalist have told us we must not drill for the oil that our great country wants to give to us. Instead we use corn in our cars to satisfy the wackos that have conditioned us to believe it's the only way to keep us from killing the planet. Our congress said a long time ago that Europe has paid higher gas prices for some time now and the liberals want to equalize our oil prices to Europe's oil prices. Not to mention they never saw a tax they didn't like. I'm not just talking about the Democrats either and that brings me back to how the Republicans have left their base in the dust. Global warming is a myth but you believe it don't you? We have so much oil in the United States that we would not have to beg it from anyone if the arrogant elitist congress and senate would just say okay. Did you know that they don't pay for their own gas and they don't pay for their car lease? If you are a tax payer, then you pay for it. They have no reason at all to drop prices, it does not hurt them, they are not paying, not one red cent. Do you get it now? Obama says that we can't drive our SUVs, eat all we want, or keep our homes comfortable because the rest of the world just won't put up with it. I guess we have turned the reigns of our wonderful country over to the powers that be. Who are the powers that be anyway, maybe the elites, how about congress, lets add the senate, and how about the power at the UN? They are anyone that wants to make you as poor as the people they put in public housing. Amazing that very few people remember how it was in Russia before Reagan pushed them out of the dark ages. I remember seeing the poor people standing in long lines just for a potato or two. The people were all in the same boat, the government gave them jobs and tiny apartments, tiny little cars, but the elite of the country ate well, had summer homes, and had all the power. The service industry was so poor that you could sit in a eatery for hours and not get waited on because they all worked for the government and never got fired for poor service. But hey, what did they have to work for, everyone was the same unless you were part of the elite. Is it sounding a little more familiar now. Why work hard if you knew you wouldn't get fired or if you couldn't move up in the world. This is what our government wants for us, two classes of people, the elite and the not so elite, the stupid smucks that pay their gas bills and their insurance, their retirement, their car leases and who knows what else we smucks pay for them.

I'm not voting this year, it's time my party got a spanking and figured out that it was the Bible loving, gun loving, freedom loving, global warming critics, put that border fence up now gang, that put them where they are. I helped put them there and now I will not pull another lever until they get it!